npm install、npm init、npm update、npm … 2018-4-24 · npm uninstall --save-dev :从package.json的devDependencies中移除一个包。 实际操作时,发现使用npm uninstall 不仅会在node_modules目录下删除该包,还会将该包在package.json中dependencies或devDependencies里面的信息删除。 Geek Uninstaller - the best FREE uninstaller 2019-9-11 · Uninstall Windows Store apps. Use View menu or Ctrl+Tab to switch between desktop and store apps. Quick instant search. Type to instantly locate a program Geek Uninstaller interface is translated into most languages: “The performance of Geek Uninstaller is impressive. It uninstalls quickly and finds leftover files that anyone couldn't. Uninstall Tool - ZOL软件下载 2015-6-2 · 中关村在线收录了所有Uninstall Tool软件包括Uninstall Tool3.4.3, 以及更多较早版本的Uninstall Tool软件, 同时还为用户提供给安全,绿色,纯净的Uninstall Tool所有版本软件的下载-ZOL软件下载

卸载 Visual Studio | Microsoft Docs

2013-1-25 · 这款名为Total Uninstall(中文名:完美卸载)的软件似乎早已名闻于世,只是一直未曾使用过。刚刚研究了半天,总算基本全部搞懂了,把自己摸索学习到的分享出来。当然首先最关心的还是Total Uninstall 6.x的注册问题,因为它并不是免费软件,在此提供可用注册码,并且辅以破解方法,亲测完美!

Uninstall and reinstall Chrome to fix most problems with Flash, plug-ins, default search engines, pop-ups, or Chrome updates. Related links Download and install Google Chrome

Mar 03, 2020 · The Uninstall button will—unsurprisingly—start the uninstallation process for the respective application. Uninstalling Microsoft Store Apps with Third-Party Software The simplest alternative to uninstalling Microsoft Store apps from within Windows Explorer involves third-party software. To uninstall Avast Secure Browser from Windows, follow the steps below according to your preferred method: Uninstall via Windows Start menu; Uninstall via removal tool; Uninstall via Windows Start menu. Log into Windows as a user with administrator permissions and ensure no other application or antivirus software is running on your PC.